



18 Texts To Send An Ex You Still Have To See

by - January 30, 2021

 If you have to run into your ex, running into them on the Billboard Top 100 isn't the worst way to go it. Of course, if you aren't a Disney channel star turned TikTok sensation turned record-breaking pop icon, consider these texts to send an ex you still have to see your version of Olivia Rodrigo's "Drivers License." 18 messages to state your piece, to be sent precisely after dramatically driving through the suburbs or waiting in line at the DMV.

In a perfect world, every breakup would end with your ex deleting their Instagram, moving to Paraguay, and never factoring into your social or emotional life ever again. However, in the real world, you might have to see them again — at work, a friend's party, or the one Trader Joe's in town that always has free samples.

"In some cases, it might be necessary to be 'friendly' after a breakup," Shula Melamed, MA, MPH, and relationship coach, tells Bustle. "Responsibilities don't go away just because the relationship ends."

According to Melamed, getting over a breakup takes patience and a mutual willingness to heal. And if you're looking to establish boundaries and start the moving on process, these 18 texts are a great place to start.

Texts To Send An Ex

1. Running into each other will probably be awkward, but I hope we can try to be cool about it.

2. I promise I won't hide behind the bulk nuts when we see each other at Whole Foods.

3. I'm sorry for my part in our breakup. I care about you and hope we can be warm to each other moving forward.

4. I know we talked about giving each other space, but I hate feeling like I can't say hello if I see you. Would you be open to being more conversational?

5. I know we're both in a lot of pain, and I don't expect us to be over it right away, but I hope we can at least be cordial.

6. I know that you aren’t my biggest fan at the moment, but I hope that if we bump into each other, we can keep things friendly.

7. I’m going to be at John's party and I heard you might be going, just wanted to let you know.

8. It hurts to see you, and I'm not ready to be talking regularly. I hope you can respect my space when we have to see each other.

9. I'm not sure what level of communication feels good, but we don't have to figure it out right now. I'm happy to be respectful and take things day by day.

10. Hey, PJ invited me to their art show. I know they were your friend first, and I don't want to make you uncomfortable.

11. There's no weirdness or hard feelings on my end. I wish you the best and I'm happy to chat when I see you.

12. I'm happy to talk as friends, but also can give you space. I'll let you take the lead.

13. I know we're going to be in a group chat together for the group project, but I'm not comfortable communicating outside of that.

14. We're going to be seeing each other a lot, and I'm happy to figure out what level of communication feels comfortable for both of us.

15. I'm not dodging you or trying to be cold, I'm not over the breakup and I'm not ready to be friends.

16. Seeing each other isn't ideal for either of us, but I'm hoping we can be adults about it.

17. It's too painful for me to be your friend right now, but I hope we can be polite to each other when we do have to see each other.

18. I am not trying to get back together, but when we do cross paths, there doesn’t have to be an air of negativity between us.

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